Place born
Organisation / Person
1905-1993, painter; woodcutter; graphic designer; poster designer, British; English

Knight, Edward Loxton

1905 - 1993

1907-1998, artist; painter; poster artist; printmaker, British; Scottish

Patrick, James Mcintosh

1907 - 1998

1906-1970, photographer, Britain

Malindine, Edward George

1906 - 1970

1905-1989, poster artist, active London, England; Hungarian born in former Austro-Hungarian empire

Hofbauer, Imre

1905 - 1989

1907-1996, artist; illustrator, English; British

Cuneo, Terence Tenison

1907 - 1996

1903-1922, 1963-present, railway company and heritage railway, Wales

Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway

1903 - 1922

1904-1958, artist; poster artist; writer, British

Bone, Stephen

1904 - 1958

1907-2002, engraver; medallist; sculptor; illustrator, French

Corbin, Raymond

1907 - 2002

1906-1977, active 1950s-1960s, poster artist, British

Spencer, Ernest

1906 - 1977

1907-1976, architect, Indian-born; British

Spence, Sir Basil Urwin

1907 - 1976

1907-1976, active 1930s-1960s?, cartoonist; architect; poster artist; writer, British; born in Burma


1907 - 1976

1907-1972, components manufacturer, Warwick

Eagle Engineering Co

1907 - 1972

1907-2001, photographer, British

Muspratt, Helen

1907 - 2001

1904-1982, painter; artist; poster artist, British

Wilcox, Leslie Arthur

1904 - 1982

1906-1988, physicist, electron microscope pioneer, German

Ruska, Ernst August Friedrich

1906 - 1988

1904-1983, documentary photographer, German born; active UK

Brandt, Bill

1904 - 1983

1907-1996, aeronautical engineer; inventor of the jet engine, British; English

Whittle, Sir Frank

1907 - 1996

1907-1995, electronics engineer; inventor, Austrian

Eisler, Paul

1907 - 1995

1907-1993, active 1950s, poster artist; illustrator, British

Brookshaw, Percy Drake

1907 - 1993

1907-1993, phyisicist, Italy, Italian

Giuseppe Paolo Stanislao Occhialini

1907 - 1993

1904-1980; photographer; writer; costume designer; UK

Beaton, Cecil

1904 - 1980

1903-1992, artist, designer, British

Piper, John Egerton Christmas

1903 - 1992

1907-1969, designer, England, British

Lavers, Ralph Stephenson

1907 - 1969

1906-1975, electrical engineer and pioneer of electronic circuit making equipment, British

Sargrove, John Adolph

1906 - 1975

1903-1972, archaeologist; palaeoanthropologist, Kenyan; British

Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett

1903 - 1972

1905-2006, photographer, (Germany) America

Bernhard, Ruth

1905 - 2006

1906-1971, inventor, television pioneer, Utah, United States

Farnsworth, Philo

1906 - 1971

1906-1974, artist; illustrator; painter, British

Sillince, William Augustus

1906 - 1974

1904-1989, illustrator; artist, English; British

Rowe, Cliff

1904 - 1989

1903-1987, scientist, Canberra, Australia

McGee, James Dwyer

1903 - 1987

1903-1988, active 1930s, poster artist

Lee-Elliott, Theyre

1903 - 1988

1905-1991, physicist, American

Anderson, Carl David

1905 - 1991

active about 1904-1949, manufacturer of pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, London, England

Willows, Francis, Butler and Thompson Ltd

1904 - 1949

1906-1979, poster artist, British

Mount, Reginald

1906 - 1979

Pledge, Humphrey Thomas

1903 - 1960

Sieger, Joshua

1907 - 1993

Gooding, Hubert Thorn

1903 - 1988

Hackworth Young, Reginald

1905 - 1977

Barr, Peter Joachim

1905 - 1993

Hutton, Effie Lilian

1904 - 1956

Follett, David Henry

1907 - 1982

Jasper, Herbert Henri

1906 - 1999

Walker, Percy Brooksbank

1905 - 1980

Johnson, Amy

1903 - 1941

Nurnberg, Walter

1907 - 1991

Calvert, Henry Reginald

1904 - 1992

professional engineer, pianist, broadcasting star, writer

Wayne, Arthur

1905 - 1971

Manning, William Reginald Dermot

1903 - 1984

Orrell, Joseph Harold

1903 - 1988

Gibbs, Frederic Andrew

1903 - 1992